Vika did the P4 Chemistry test while juggling 5 chickens with his bare hands, calculating the value of π to 67 decimal places and writing a literature script on Alexander The Great. When he had finished, he got a couple of hours left and decided to redo the test in 9 different languages, saving the polar bear populations in the North Pole, and playing 8 Guitar Hero songs with the monitor facing away from him and scoring perfect on each songs. In the end, when everyone has finished, Vika ended up finishing 3 bestselling books on Chemistry that the Cambridge professors actually bought for reference to mark the test and improve the world's study programs. Not to mention that he was blindfolded and tied onto his chair with an Osmium chain for the whole time.
Damn you Vika.
-I'm obviously not Vika.
-This is the first post in the month of June 2009,..posted this right after I arrived at home on the day we did Chem. P4.
-Osmium is the heaviest metallic element.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Friday, 29 May 2009
Intermission: Buat Para Gamers
(I am borrowing Vika's ID, me is not Vika)
(Post is in Indonesian, are you not proud of your own country's language?)
Buat refreshment di tengah2 stress..
Ini dia lagu kebangsaan gamer Indonesia.
Left 4 dead dota CS TF2 WoW semua disebut lengkap. Emg plg keren ni lagu.
Lagunya yg bikin orang musisi, namanya Saykoji.
Link : http://www.indowebster.com/lagugamers.html
(*edit* blame Ken for this big, lame, out of place player, lol.)
Lyrics : http://www.indogamers.com/f317/lagu_buat_gamers-196831/
Wkwkwk sound effectnya aja dari game semua (kali)....
Skalian deh yg lucu2:
(Post is in Indonesian, are you not proud of your own country's language?)
Buat refreshment di tengah2 stress..
Ini dia lagu kebangsaan gamer Indonesia.
Left 4 dead dota CS TF2 WoW semua disebut lengkap. Emg plg keren ni lagu.
Lagunya yg bikin orang musisi, namanya Saykoji.
Link : http://www.indowebster.com/lagugamers.html
(*edit* blame Ken for this big, lame, out of place player, lol.)
Lyrics : http://www.indogamers.com/f317/lagu_buat_gamers-196831/
Wkwkwk sound effectnya aja dari game semua (kali)....
Skalian deh yg lucu2:
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Biology P4 (again) : And stretch your hands to avoid cramp.
As I always say, I'm not Vika. I'm only borrowing his ID (again, lol).
This is a short listings of all (maybe) processes that is involved in our biology lesson.
But in fact, there are so many processes in biology, that this list ended up long, which is a pain for me.
This may (or may not) help you, but it certainly helps me since by writing these points, I remember better, "So why don't I contribute by writing it in the blog? Like killing two birds with a shotgun" I thought.
Whatevs lets just go to the main part.
1. Synaptic Transmission
(I strongly reccomend Figure 16.4 of our biology textbook (old edition))
RuBP = ribulose biphosphate, GP = glycerate 3-phosphate, TP = triose phosphate
[N] = an NAD molecule turns into reduced NAD during the process, [C] = CO2 is kicked out during the process
Basically there are 2 types, lactate (in muscles) and ethanol (in bacteria).
The starting process is similar: glucose turns into pyruvate, making ATP and giving 2H in the process. 2H used to make 2 reduced NADs.
This is the difference:
Ahh there you go.. (letting out a sigh of relief)
Please tell me if I spelled anything wrong or something like that. I'm not perfect, and definitely not a 'dewa'.
There are several points that I purposely do not include like gene technology and sexual reproduction (For those testosteroners dont go "whut no sex?" on me, and flame in the comment box.). But these points are outside the textbook and Ms.Yanti has recently repeatedly taught us about these excluded points.
Yes, yes, I myself am wondering, why the heck would I write this at the night before the test? And on top of it, I wrote this at 10p.m. and finished at 11p.m. Chances are, nobody will ever read this before the test, since they are already asleep, resting properly before tomorrow's test at 7.30 a.m. (except Vika maybe). But at least it benefits me (and Vika maybe) as I've said. Also, as Vika reasoned; " The future generations may need this."
But seriously, I have no idea of why am I doing this.. It just occured..
Ah well, eventhough no one is reading this, but good luck anyways for the Bio P4 tomorrow and Math P3 too.
*abrupt end*
This is a short listings of all (maybe) processes that is involved in our biology lesson.
But in fact, there are so many processes in biology, that this list ended up long, which is a pain for me.
This may (or may not) help you, but it certainly helps me since by writing these points, I remember better, "So why don't I contribute by writing it in the blog? Like killing two birds with a shotgun" I thought.
Whatevs lets just go to the main part.
1. Synaptic Transmission
- Action potential arrives on presynaptic membrane
- It causes uptake of Calcium Ions
- Calcium Ions cause vesicles of Acetylcholine (ACh) to fuse with presynaptic membrane
- ACh released and diffuse across synaptic cleft
- ACh binds with receptors on postsynaptic membrane
- Sodium channel is opened, Sodium Ions enter and depolarisation occur, action potential initiated
- Resting potential is -65 mV (maintained actively by sodiumpotassiumpumps (3 sodium out for 2 potassium in)
- Action potential arrives, Na+ moves in through its voltage-gated channels
- Potential is +40 now because of excess of positive ions (depolarisation)
- Na+ channels close, sodiumpotassiumpumps restore resting potential (repolarisation) (briefly becomes more negative than normal)
- ADH arrives through blood and binds to receptors in plasma membranes of the lining-cells of collecting ducts.
- It causes enzyme controlled reactions that produce active phosphorylase enzyme
- active phosphorylase enzyme causes vesicles of water permeable channels to move.
- Vesicles fuse with membrane, and voila! Your collecting duct is now permeable to water..
- Meiosis I :
- Prophase I : homologous chromosomes pair up, (one pair is called as bivalent), and everything goes like mitosis, except crossing over occurs inbetween bivalent
- Metaphase I : They line up, independent assorment occurs.
- Anaphase I : centromeres DO NOT divide unlike mitosis
- Telophase I : as usual
- Meiosis II :
- Everything is as usual, but this time, the centromeres do break and divide.
(I strongly reccomend Figure 16.4 of our biology textbook (old edition))
- Photolysis, gives out 2H+, O, and 2 electrons.
- Electrons go to P680 and get excited to higher energy level. (Non cyclic-Photophosphorylation)
- Energy in electrons used to make ATP
- Electrons go to P700, excited again, used to make ATP again, and it cycles. (Cyclic-Photophosphorylation)
- 2 Electrons with the previous 2H+ ions combines with NADP to form reduced NADP.
RuBP = ribulose biphosphate, GP = glycerate 3-phosphate, TP = triose phosphate
- CO2 combines with RuBP to form unstable 6C compound
- It breaks to form 2 GP which is 3C compound
- Reduced NADP and ATP used to make GP into TP
- TP is used to make glucose, amino acid, lipids, etc.
- TP can also be used to regenerate RuBP
- Glucose, by using ATP turns into Hexose Phosphate, by using ATP again turns into Hexose Biphosphate, which breaks to 2 Triose Phosphate molecules.
- 2 TP turns into 'intermediates' and give out 2ATP and 2H, that forms 2 reduced NAD.
- 'intermediates' turns into 2 pyruvate molecules.
[N] = an NAD molecule turns into reduced NAD during the process, [C] = CO2 is kicked out during the process
- A molecule of pyruvate turns into Acetyl CoA [N][C]
- AcetylCoA combine with oxaloacetate to form citrate (6C)
- citrate (6C) through some process turns into (5C) [N][C]
- Same thing happen to the (5C) molecule again, producing a (4C) molecule [N][C]
- the (4C) molecule turns into oxaloacetate, during this, an FAD is reduced an ATP is formed [N]
Basically there are 2 types, lactate (in muscles) and ethanol (in bacteria).
The starting process is similar: glucose turns into pyruvate, making ATP and giving 2H in the process. 2H used to make 2 reduced NADs.
This is the difference:
- Lactate: the 2 reduced NADs give out the 2H they previously received to the pyruvate forming lactate.
- Ethanol: pyruvate lose CO2 somehow, becoming ethanal. Then, the 2 reduced NADs give out the 2H they previously received to ethanal which become ethanol.
Ahh there you go.. (letting out a sigh of relief)
Please tell me if I spelled anything wrong or something like that. I'm not perfect, and definitely not a 'dewa'.
There are several points that I purposely do not include like gene technology and sexual reproduction (For those testosteroners dont go "whut no sex?" on me, and flame in the comment box.). But these points are outside the textbook and Ms.Yanti has recently repeatedly taught us about these excluded points.
Yes, yes, I myself am wondering, why the heck would I write this at the night before the test? And on top of it, I wrote this at 10p.m. and finished at 11p.m. Chances are, nobody will ever read this before the test, since they are already asleep, resting properly before tomorrow's test at 7.30 a.m. (except Vika maybe). But at least it benefits me (and Vika maybe) as I've said. Also, as Vika reasoned; " The future generations may need this."
But seriously, I have no idea of why am I doing this.. It just occured..
Ah well, eventhough no one is reading this, but good luck anyways for the Bio P4 tomorrow and Math P3 too.
*abrupt end*
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Biology P4: Get Your Pen Ready
First of all, good luck for tomorrow's P6 exam.
Second, let us post more beautiful girls picture (not Reon, Ozawa or Dizon):

Now for the real deal.
Basically the most difficult part in this paper is Part II, which can be surprisingly easy as in our prelim exam. Generally, homeostasis (osmoregulation and blood glucose regulation) is the easiest of all. Why? You mention one condition then you mention the opposite condition then you get a mark or two. Add up the organ and the hormone involved, you get 4 marks. Mention the aftermath, you will get two marks (blood glucose conc. down/water retained). Get it?
The one that gives us a lot of trouble are plant growth regulator (PGH) and our friend Darwin and his theory.
As for PGH, I can't think of any better possible answer other than these:
As for our dearest friend who was stranded in Galapagos Island, my best suggestion is to open wikipedia.org, type his name and just read whatever provided along with the link.
Another good bet is to memorize one type of your preferred sympatric speciation and allopatric speciation. For this reason, I strongly suggest you to read PYP and just take one of the stories. Personally, I find the story about prawn is indeed good.
Another dreaded topic (still from the same guy) is selection and variation. For this two topics, fortunately, the flow answer is always the same. Remember about sickle cell anemia and malaria? Practically, selection and variation question always follow such structure:
Personally, I would recommend to take questions regarding ATP production (Kreb's, glycolysis, anaerobic pathway, oxidative phosphorylation), photosynthesis (asking about Calvin Cycle or light-dependent), synaptic transmission, gene technology (recombinant DNA, electrophoresis, PCR, Sanger method) and homeostasis (osmoregulation, blood glucose control). As a general rule, take "how" questions rather than "describe" questions. Think of your answer before you write them. If the questions can be answered in less than 100 words (listing only main points), I say go for it.
Hope this help.
N.B. Above pictures contain one transsexual woman. Do not get infatuated with her unless you accept her whatever she is.
Second, let us post more beautiful girls picture (not Reon, Ozawa or Dizon):

Now for the real deal.
Basically the most difficult part in this paper is Part II, which can be surprisingly easy as in our prelim exam. Generally, homeostasis (osmoregulation and blood glucose regulation) is the easiest of all. Why? You mention one condition then you mention the opposite condition then you get a mark or two. Add up the organ and the hormone involved, you get 4 marks. Mention the aftermath, you will get two marks (blood glucose conc. down/water retained). Get it?
The one that gives us a lot of trouble are plant growth regulator (PGH) and our friend Darwin and his theory.
As for PGH, I can't think of any better possible answer other than these:
- Name the hormones and what is the effect
- How does it carry out the effect
- Leaf abscission and apical dominance
As for our dearest friend who was stranded in Galapagos Island, my best suggestion is to open wikipedia.org, type his name and just read whatever provided along with the link.
Another good bet is to memorize one type of your preferred sympatric speciation and allopatric speciation. For this reason, I strongly suggest you to read PYP and just take one of the stories. Personally, I find the story about prawn is indeed good.
Another dreaded topic (still from the same guy) is selection and variation. For this two topics, fortunately, the flow answer is always the same. Remember about sickle cell anemia and malaria? Practically, selection and variation question always follow such structure:
- Initially there are two variants (or any number) of phenotype.
- Number of population remain constant/ gene pool remains constant
- Mention about survival of the fittest/competition, depend on question
- Also mention about change in condition or environment
- If they can survive, they will be able to reproduce or the other way round
- Those who survive pass on their gene to the next offspring (this phrase never fails to appear in such questions), otherwise they die.
- Such changes happen over time -> result in evolution
- Change in number of gene pool
Personally, I would recommend to take questions regarding ATP production (Kreb's, glycolysis, anaerobic pathway, oxidative phosphorylation), photosynthesis (asking about Calvin Cycle or light-dependent), synaptic transmission, gene technology (recombinant DNA, electrophoresis, PCR, Sanger method) and homeostasis (osmoregulation, blood glucose control). As a general rule, take "how" questions rather than "describe" questions. Think of your answer before you write them. If the questions can be answered in less than 100 words (listing only main points), I say go for it.
Hope this help.
N.B. Above pictures contain one transsexual woman. Do not get infatuated with her unless you accept her whatever she is.
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Chemistry Probrem: Organic + Periodicity
After several feedback from my friend, I have decided Organic Chemistry and Periodicity will be reviewed in this post (and may continue, due to demand or difficulty).
Starting with organic chemistry, to tackle most problems regarding reagents and resulting product, I will be distributing some copies from my "Holy Baibal". It will be ready at the latest on Monday, 4th of April.
For periodicity..............
Starting from Group IV.
One common problem. Oxides and chlorides of Group IV is different from its element (C,Si,Ge). Don't mix it up. Read the questions carefully. They will have completely different reactivity and physical property.
Group IV oxides: carbon dioxide is an acidic gas as well as silicon(IV) oxide. Carbon monoxide is a neutral gas on the other hand. The rest of the Group IV oxides are amphoteric. Their reactions:
Starting with organic chemistry, to tackle most problems regarding reagents and resulting product, I will be distributing some copies from my "Holy Baibal". It will be ready at the latest on Monday, 4th of April.
For periodicity..............
Starting from Group IV.
One common problem. Oxides and chlorides of Group IV is different from its element (C,Si,Ge). Don't mix it up. Read the questions carefully. They will have completely different reactivity and physical property.
Group IV oxides: carbon dioxide is an acidic gas as well as silicon(IV) oxide. Carbon monoxide is a neutral gas on the other hand. The rest of the Group IV oxides are amphoteric. Their reactions:
Sunday, 8 March 2009
First evar L4D Post. Just some random thingies.
Created to increase blog's popularity (maybe).
First of all, I am not Vika, sorry Vik, as usual I have to borrow your ID.
Ahh finally someone posting l4d. This isn't really a guide on l4d though, more like a list of helpful l4d information (or some funny things) that I found in its official forum.
Yes, yes, I know that most of you ppl don't play l4d (orly?), don't flame me, at least there is something to be read (or rather, viewed) in this blog once in a while.
Well, here you go.
This is the l4d exact statistics for those number-calculating-gaming freaks *cough* wesley *cough*, heck they even found out that exploding pipe bombs and propane tanks does exactly 1 damage 33 feet away =_=.
List of current glitches.
VERY nice advanced tips. This just shows how detailed the makers of l4d, Valve, made this game.
Witch killing, quite interesting.
ahahah easter eggs, even I myself don't know most of them the first time i read this.
A nice in-depth hunter guide, for those hunter freaks *cough* ken *cough*.
This is a research entitled: "A study of migratory habits of Hunterous Aerialis in the area of Survivorus Incapati" (lol the latin names) done by advanced players ,obviously, to find out about the tendency on hunter-pouncing-incaps. You should open the images he provided for clearer understanding. Its funny, yet enlightening; written in the form of scientific review for humorous purposes.
@ken this is the one i talked about on the sunday night match, the one with all pros in the server.
Deadly ball statue, highly amusing, the main part is the later half of the vid, around 1 minute and 3 seconds onwards. Again, this just shows how detailed and real l4d is.
Highlights of DLC update. I've seen some of the vids on the new upcoming Survival Mode Lighthouse map, looks exciting.
L4D dictionary. Used by international ppl. Now I know that there really is a curse on Louis..
Guide to tanks, recommended since tanks are now not as effective as before against good players.
Pills here! A very nice guide that explains why pills >> medkits with a new way of thinking.
A fancy hunter tutorial video, in HD, and is slowed 50% for clarity (i think).
Why is crashsshhhhh! The essential crash solutions.
I didn't read all of them yet (lol), considering the time when I posted this *yawn*.
Vika, you better do sth to keep this blog alive, why don't you post the chemical structure of viagra, and explain how it works. Or you can ask wesley to find the Young's Modulus of condom materials or whatever (they can break during intercourse, according to our biology textbook,... srsly..). Notice that we've currently got only 4 posts (including this) for this year.
Ends here, I may post more thingies on l4d later, provided that biology homeworks will not kill me.
Credits goes to everyone who made these posts and threads and videos, thank you very much!
First of all, I am not Vika, sorry Vik, as usual I have to borrow your ID.
Ahh finally someone posting l4d. This isn't really a guide on l4d though, more like a list of helpful l4d information (or some funny things) that I found in its official forum.
Yes, yes, I know that most of you ppl don't play l4d (orly?), don't flame me, at least there is something to be read (or rather, viewed) in this blog once in a while.
Well, here you go.
Update: few more links and I indicated the links for clarity.
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=778290HELPFUL INFO NO.1:
This is the l4d exact statistics for those number-calculating-gaming freaks *cough* wesley *cough*, heck they even found out that exploding pipe bombs and propane tanks does exactly 1 damage 33 feet away =_=.
Decent boomer tips, just for the sake of it.http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=785441
List of current glitches.
VERY nice advanced tips. This just shows how detailed the makers of l4d, Valve, made this game.
Witch killing, quite interesting.
ahahah easter eggs, even I myself don't know most of them the first time i read this.
A nice in-depth hunter guide, for those hunter freaks *cough* ken *cough*.
This is a research entitled: "A study of migratory habits of Hunterous Aerialis in the area of Survivorus Incapati" (lol the latin names) done by advanced players ,obviously, to find out about the tendency on hunter-pouncing-incaps. You should open the images he provided for clearer understanding. Its funny, yet enlightening; written in the form of scientific review for humorous purposes.
@ken this is the one i talked about on the sunday night match, the one with all pros in the server.
Deadly ball statue, highly amusing, the main part is the later half of the vid, around 1 minute and 3 seconds onwards. Again, this just shows how detailed and real l4d is.
Highlights of DLC update. I've seen some of the vids on the new upcoming Survival Mode Lighthouse map, looks exciting.
L4D dictionary. Used by international ppl. Now I know that there really is a curse on Louis..
Guide to tanks, recommended since tanks are now not as effective as before against good players.
Pills here! A very nice guide that explains why pills >> medkits with a new way of thinking.
A fancy hunter tutorial video, in HD, and is slowed 50% for clarity (i think).
Why is crashsshhhhh! The essential crash solutions.
I didn't read all of them yet (lol), considering the time when I posted this *yawn*.
Vika, you better do sth to keep this blog alive, why don't you post the chemical structure of viagra, and explain how it works. Or you can ask wesley to find the Young's Modulus of condom materials or whatever (they can break during intercourse, according to our biology textbook,... srsly..). Notice that we've currently got only 4 posts (including this) for this year.
Ends here, I may post more thingies on l4d later, provided that biology homeworks will not kill me.
Credits goes to everyone who made these posts and threads and videos, thank you very much!
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Saturday, 21 February 2009
I'm Sorry To Make You Wait
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Chemistry, Again, Homework Help.
Well, we were on hiatus.
I will give you some idea on how to design an experiment to determine the hydration of sodium carbonate (find the X in Na2CO3.XH2O).
Basically, I propose two methods of doing it:
Method No. 2 is easier to write and describe, in terms of experiment and precautions. However, this method may require us to know a certain terms and apparatus.
I'll explain the first method first.
The first method is fairly simple. You just need to dissolve a known amount (in gram) sodium carbonate in distilled water and commence a titration with hydrochloric acid.
Since in titration, hydrochloric acid will only react with sodium carbonate, hence by finding the concentration of sodium carbonate reacted (in g/dm3), we can determine the mass of the water in the sodium carbonate, hence the hydration number (or whatever it is called).
The second method works exactly like our Paper 3 Question Number 2. Here, you need to heat with Bunsen Burner a known amount of hydrated sodium carbonate. This way, the water inside the sodium carbonate will be evaporated. The decrease in mass will signify the mass of water evaporated and hence we can find how much water originally in the crystal by comparing the mass of sodium carbonate with the water inside it.
Some apparatus required for these experiments:
Now for the chemicals:
For the method No. 1, we just need to write what we usually do plus add some precautions and details, such as add X drops of indicator and indicate when we need to stop. For the table, just copy from any old past paper.
For method number 2, what I can say is that we need to continuously reheat and cool it down. We need to do this until the mass is finally constant, that is when all water is evaporated.
Suggestion for table.
Method 1:

Method 2:

So that is all I can help you. Good luck and if you have any problem you can approach Wind, Ms. Ine Medyawati or Kawapada.
Thank you.
(As a side note, if you can check the freeexampapers.com, you can see the paper 3 O/N 2001 and 2003 to get more reference)
I will give you some idea on how to design an experiment to determine the hydration of sodium carbonate (find the X in Na2CO3.XH2O).
Basically, I propose two methods of doing it:
- Make a solution of known concentration and do a titration.
- Heat the solid chemicals.
Method No. 2 is easier to write and describe, in terms of experiment and precautions. However, this method may require us to know a certain terms and apparatus.
I'll explain the first method first.
The first method is fairly simple. You just need to dissolve a known amount (in gram) sodium carbonate in distilled water and commence a titration with hydrochloric acid.
Since in titration, hydrochloric acid will only react with sodium carbonate, hence by finding the concentration of sodium carbonate reacted (in g/dm3), we can determine the mass of the water in the sodium carbonate, hence the hydration number (or whatever it is called).
The second method works exactly like our Paper 3 Question Number 2. Here, you need to heat with Bunsen Burner a known amount of hydrated sodium carbonate. This way, the water inside the sodium carbonate will be evaporated. The decrease in mass will signify the mass of water evaporated and hence we can find how much water originally in the crystal by comparing the mass of sodium carbonate with the water inside it.
Some apparatus required for these experiments:
- Test tubes, as the container for sodium carbonate
- Pipette, to transfer exactly 25 mL of solution of sodium carbonate for method 1
- Burette, to do the titration.
- Beaker, to contain the result 25 mL of solution of sodium carbonate.
- White tile
- Bunsen Burner, for method 2
- Boiling tube, to contain the sodium carbonate in method 2
- Anything to hold boiling tube while it is heated
- Weighing machine, to measure the mass of materials in method 2
- Stirrer and funnel to transfer the chemicals carefully.
Now for the chemicals:
- Hydrochloric acid, 0.125 mol/dm3, 250-400 mL
- Aqua destilata, a cool name for distilled water
- Sodium carbonate, of course. It must be pure.
- Methane or ethane, to fuel our bunsen burner.
- Indicator, any will do I think.
For the method No. 1, we just need to write what we usually do plus add some precautions and details, such as add X drops of indicator and indicate when we need to stop. For the table, just copy from any old past paper.
For method number 2, what I can say is that we need to continuously reheat and cool it down. We need to do this until the mass is finally constant, that is when all water is evaporated.
Suggestion for table.
Method 1:
Method 2:
So that is all I can help you. Good luck and if you have any problem you can approach Wind, Ms. Ine Medyawati or Kawapada.
Thank you.
(As a side note, if you can check the freeexampapers.com, you can see the paper 3 O/N 2001 and 2003 to get more reference)
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